Tag: 111th-precinct

Crunching the Queens crime numbers: rapes rising across the borough, grand larceny decreasing in northern Queens


Mar. 13, 2024 By Ethan Marshall The number of rapes across Queens increased during the 28-day period from Feb. 9 to Mar. 10, compared to the same period of time last year, according to the latest crime stats released by the NYPD Monday. However, northern Queens has experienced a significant decline in grand larcenies over this same period of time. Over the course of the 28-day period, reported rapes in northern Queens increased 41.7%, from 12 in 2023 to 17 in 2024. Meanwhile, grand larcenies decreased 10%, from 518 to 466. Five precincts in northern Queens, the 104th, 110th, 111th,…
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Crunching the Queens crime numbers: robberies and felony assaults on the rise, reported rapes decline


Feb. 6, 2024 By Ethan Marshall The number of reported robbery and felony assault cases across Queens climbed for the 28-day period ending Feb. 4—compared to the same period last year— while the number of reported rapes dropped, according to the latest crime stats released by the NYPD Monday. During the 28-day period from Jan. 8 through Feb. 4, the number of felony assaults increased 11.5% in northern Queens, from 174 reported cases in 2023 to 194 this year. Over the same period of time, robberies in northern Queens went up 12.6%, from 143 to 161. Reported rapes declined 25%,…
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Crunching the Queens crime numbers: boroughwide drop in rape and burglaries cases


Jan. 24, 2024 By Ethan Marshall The number of reported rapes and burglaries across Queens both dropped over the last month compared to the same period of time last year, according to the latest crime stats released by the NYPD Monday. During the 28-day period from Dec. 25 to Jan. 21, the number of reported rapes went down 20% in northern Queens, from 15 reported cases last year to 12 this year. Over the same period of time, burglaries decreased 12.4% in northern Queens, from 169 to 148. The 108th Precinct, which oversees Long Island City, Sunnyside and Woodside, experienced…
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Bayside senior robbed by man who forced his way into her home near Alley Pond Park: NYPD


Jan. 4, 2024 By Bill Parry

A 92-year-old Bayside woman was robbed by a stranger who barged into her home near Alley Pond Park on Wednesday morning. Police from the 111th Precinct in Bayside are looking for the man who knocked on the door of the victim’s residence in the vicinity of 231st Street and 64th Avenue just before 11 a.m. on Jan. 3.