Tag: daily-newsletter

Environmental advocates join Queens lawmakers in the waters off Rockaway Beach for ‘Tuvalu Challenge’ on Earth Day

Apr. 24, 2023 By Bill Parry State Senator James Sanders delivered a stern Earth Day warning to climate change deniers while he was joined by colleagues in government and advocates during his second annual “Tuvalu Challenge” from the surf of Rockaway Beach on April 22. Sanders went into the chilly waters of the Atlantic Ocean…
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Queens College exhibit explores diverse collections of art, artifacts

Apr. 24, 2023 By Ethan Marshall The Godwin-Ternbach Museum at Queens College is currently running an exhibition that explores diverse collections of art and artifacts and their evolution. The exhibition, which runs until May 25, highlights little-seen works from 20th-century and contemporary artists. Referred to as “The Gift: Queens College Collects,” the exhibition features works…
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Ariola delivers stark warning to illegal ATV, dirt bike riders in the Rockaways

Apr. 24, 2023 By Bill Parry With the temperature rising, Councilwoman Joann Ariola and the NYPD have a clear message to riders on illegal ATVs, motorbikes and other vehicles: steer clear of the Rockaways this spring and summer or lose your ride. Last July, the invasion of marauding bikers got so bad on the peninsula…
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Three men sought in mugging of senior in Kew Gardens Hills last week: NYPD

Apr. 24, 2023 By Bill Parry Two thugs chased down and mugged an elderly man in broad daylight last week near the Judge Moses Weinstein Playground in Kew Gardens Hills, according to authorities. Police from the 107th Precinct in Fresh Meadows are looking for the suspects who approached the 70-year-old victim as he walked near…
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Jamaica man convicted of possessing ammunition used in Corona murder: Feds

Apr. 21, 2023 By Bill Parry A Jamaica man was found guilty of being a felon while possessing ammunition in connection with a 2020 fatal shooting at a bodega in Corona.  Kevin “Cuzzo” Edwards, 42, was convicted Friday following a five-day jury trial before U.S. District Judge Edward R. Korman. As proven at trial, on…
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Bayside motel among those reportedly being used to house migrants in NYC

Apr. 20, 2023 By Ethan Marshall Bayside’s Anchor Inn is reportedly among the motels in New York City currently being used to house migrants and Queens Councilwoman Vickie Paladino released a statement criticizing the arrangement. Paladino, on April 14, said her office did not get word about this happening until less than eight hours before…
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