Tag: Mayor Adams

Op-Ed | What we need from Albany


Feb. 20, 2024 By amNewYork New York City is all about what is possible. It’s a place where you can start a business, raise a family, and make a difference. Our administration came into office with the aim of keeping that American Dream alive by protecting public safety, rebuilding our economy, and making our city more livable for everyday New Yorkers. I went to our state capital last week with the goal of furthering that vision. We laid out an agenda to advance working-class families by extending mayoral accountability of our public schools for four years, granting the city the…
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Op-Ed | Getting every single trash bag off our streets


Feb. 6, 2024 By Mayor Eric Adams

New Yorkers deserve clean streets, free of smelly trash bags and rats. That’s why we are taking the next leap forward in the Trash Revolution — our initiative to reimagine trash collection and remove every single trash bag from New York City’s streets.

Op-Ed | Balancing our city’s budget while delivering for working-class New Yorkers


Jan. 23, 2024 By Mayor Eric Adams Our administration came into office with a clear mission: to protect public safety, revitalize our economy, and make all five boroughs more livable for the 8.3 million people who call New York City their home. For the last two years, we have worked every day to make our vision a reality. And the recently released Fiscal Year 2025 Preliminary Budget keeps us on track. I am proud to report that jobs are up, crime is down, tourists are back, our streets are cleaner, and our children’s test scores are better. We have accomplished…
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Op-Ed | Honoring Dr. King’s Legacy by fighting for fair housing


Jan. 16, 2024 By Mayor Eric Adams This week, we celebrate the life of one of our greatest American leaders, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This is a moment to honor his accomplishments, but it’s also an opportunity to reflect on what he fought for and to carry his legacy forward. We must find new strength to continue…
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Op-Ed | Pathways to success for our young people


Dec. 19, 2023 By Mayor Eric Adams

Our city’s future depends on being able to help our young people grow, fulfill their potential, and thrive in an ever-changing economy.

Op-Ed | Saving New Yorkers from the opioid crisis

Mayor Eric Adams

Dec. 12, 2023 By Mayor Eric Adams

A fatal overdose occurs in New York City every 3 hours. The opioid epidemic is a growing public health crisis that we must end.

Op-Ed | Affordable homes for New Yorkers

Aug. 15, 2023 By Mayor Eric Adams New York City is home to people from all over the world. We may eat different foods and speak different languages, but in the end, we all want things: jobs, good schools for our children, public safety, and a chance to live the American Dream. A central…

Op-Ed | New York City’s budget: Investing in working families and New Yorkers in need

Jul. 3, 2023 By amNewYork Our city’s budget reflects our values, and for my administration, the needs of everyday people come first. This year, we navigated many significant financial challenges and have reached a budget agreement with our colleagues on the City Council—a budget that is smart, strategic and fiscally responsible, a budget that advances our…
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Mayor Adams greets seniors at Peter Cardella Senior Citizens Center in Ridgewood

Jun. 15, 2023 By Anthony Medina Mayor Eric Adams greeted seniors at the Peter Cardella Senior Citizens Center, located at 68-52 Fresh Pond Road, in Ridgewood, on Wednesday, June 14.  Adams arrived at the senior center around 1 p.m., where he was met by the center’s staff and those seniors who wanted a glimpse of…
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