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Victoria’s Secrets: Another special week

Jun. 11, 2023 By Victoria Schneps

I’m a lucky person to be healthy but last week I got caught by COVID!

The day before the exquisite Dan’s Papers Rosé Soirée event that launched our summer series of happenings, I was coughing and hoarse and wanted to make sure I was OK to go the next day. So, I was shocked when Dr. Mark Kot, my urgent care doctor in Southampton, who knew I was looking forward to the party, took a swab test and 15 minutes later gave me the news with his hands in the air: “Sorry, but you have COVID and the flu — isolate!”

But I was lucky because it was Memorial Day and my son Josh and his family arrived before the diagnosis and stayed for the weekend. I remained isolated, sitting on one side of the patio with everybody else on the other side. Since it was a beautiful, sunny weekend, we even ate all of our meals outside, together but apart!

But when they left, the “quiet” set in and the work began.

I’ve laughed many times, saying I’ve turned from boomer into a Zoomer, so Zoom I did! 

But I could hear my blessed, late doctor husband Stu talking to me. “When you have a cough, shut up and drink a lot of water. Let your lungs heal!” Well, I listened to half of his advice, drinking a lot, but also talking a lot. I needed to keep in close touch with my work team and clients and, of course, check in on my children all week.

Then, about halfway through my week of isolation, a remarkable package appeared at my doorstep.

My friend Lynne Koufakis called and asked if I had gotten her package she sent because she was tracking it and it should have arrived an hour earlier. What a world! I went to the front door that I never use and, sure enough, there was a big, heavy brown box that I carried to my kitchen counter. Then the fun began!

My “feel-good” package

Inside were boxes from Spoonful of Comfort, an online business that sends beautifully packaged boxes of food with inspirational quotes and other items to make you feel better. 

My first challenge was opening the well wrapped ice-enclosed containers of two quarts of  chicken soup, with a printed cover “bonnet” that read “soup is cuisine’s kindest course,” a quote from author Virginia Woolf

Then there was a box of cookies with a quote from the Cookie Monster, as well as a box of home baked breads with a quote from Iris Murdoch printed on the box’s side that read, “one of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats.” Every box had appropriate quotes. 

A box of delicious cookies from Spoonful of Comfort

Each of the boxes had quotes written on them.

The brilliant creator of this concept is Marti Wymer, who founded her company to be able to bring joy to people like me who are stuck home and not feeling well. 

Aside from the delicious food and treats, the package also included a soft and snuggly big blanket and a silky smooth microwavable neck relaxer. There was also a bell in the box and it made me laugh that they thought it could be used to call for help when you don’t feel like getting out of bed! Brilliant!

Visit for more information on how to make someone feel special. Thanks, Lynne! 

I’m already feeling better and back in action!


Nico and Oscar Nagel with their e-bikes

A week before I got sick, I was invited to the Brooklyn Navy Yard incubator space for Pave Motors to meet with two entrepreneurial brothers Nico and Oscar Nagel, who have created an electric charged bike that is a cross between a bike and a motorcycle, but light enough to carry up a flight of stairs.

The sleek looking bike was their passionate creation, having used their experience and education in design and metal work. They hope to bring it to market this summer.

The Brooklyn Navy Yard has been totally reimagined and has a world into itself. I was in awe of all the businesses that were brought into a once derelict, abandoned shipyard that is now a flourishing industrial park — a virtual city within the city.

Nico and Oscar are hard at work to build their invention while enjoying incredible views of the Brooklyn Bridge, another genius creation.

For more information on their e-bikes, visit

Special achievements 

Sam with his parents Mimi and Jim glowing with pride at the MIT graduation!

Blake was recognized at the 2023 Long Island Science Congress awards ceremony for his high school research project!

I burst with pride as my two very special grandsons Blake Sohmer and Sam Broner achieved landmarks in their lives. 

Sam received his masters degree in business from MIT and Blake won the Green Planet Award for the senior division at the 2023 Long Island Science Congress awards ceremony! 

Congratulations! A great future generation is in place!

Filed under: Uncategorized

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