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Bayside student helps to secure $73.5K in technology funding for his school

Jun. 29, 2023 By Ethan Marshall

New York State Sen. John Liu announced on June 26 that $73,500 has been secured for technology funding at P.S. 376Q. He credits one of the school’s students, Maxwell Rosenfeld, who has spent multiple years lobbying to secure funding.

“Technology helps us learn better and will prepare us for the future,” Rosenfeld said. “I’m proud I was able to force Senator Liu to do the right thing.”


Max Rosenfeld, 6, asks for an update regarding his request. Photo courtesy of John Liu’s office

According to Liu, when he attended a community event in Bayside four years ago, he met then-6-year-old Rosenfeld. Liu struck up a conversation with him about his school, with Rosenfeld immediately asking the Senator for technology funding there.


Six-year-old Max with his funding request letter. Photo courtesy of John Liu’s office

Shortly after their first meeting, Rosenfeld sent Liu a letter reiterating his request, which also included a picture he drew meant to memorialize their meeting. This marked the beginning of his lobbying, with Liu trying over the next four years to secure such funding.


Photo courtesy of John Liu’s office

Rosenfeld’s efforts finally paid off this month, when Liu announced he was finally able to get $73,500 in technological funding for the school. Now a graduating fifth-grader, Rosenfeld and Liu met with each other once again, with Liu thanking the young man for his outstanding service to his school community.

“Elected officials often get requests for funding, but this request was unique because of Max’s young age, his knowledge about how the system works and especially his dogged persistence,” Liu said. “He lobbied and wrote letters to get what he knew his school needed. Unfortunately, the pandemic slowed his request down, but today we’re happy to announce that his efforts were successful in securing technology funding that will benefit his school community for years to come. If there’s a greater lesson for Max and his fellow students here, it’s that no obstacle is too great to overcome and don’t ever let the adults say you’re too young to make a difference!”

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