Category: Crime

Queens DA, NYPD’s 109th Precinct announce ‘Flushing Merchants Trespass Notice’ to deter disorderly or illegal activities at local businesses

Apr. 6, 2023 By Carlotta Mohamed The NYPD’s 109th Precinct, in partnership with the Queens District Attorney’s Office and the Flushing Business Improvement District (BID), on Wednesday, April 5, announced the “Flushing Merchants Trespass Notice” — a new initiative that would issue a trespass notice to individuals who engage in disorderly or illegal activities in…
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Senior woman mugged in Woodside Saturday morning: NYPD

(Photo: NYPD and Google Maps)

April 3, 2023 By Michael Dorgan A 67-year-old woman was mugged on a Woodside street early Saturday morning and police have released video of the alleged suspect. The victim was outside 56-17 Roosevelt Ave., a two-story house, at around 6 a.m. on April 1, when she was approached by the alleged assailant who pushed her… Read more »

Maspeth man gunned down just steps from home early Sunday morning: NYPD

Apr. 2, 2023 By Bill Parry A Maspeth man was shot and killed just steps from his home on 65th Place near 53rd Drive early Sunday morning, according to the NYPD. Emanuel Pippis, 44, was walking past the Paraguayan Steakhouse in Maspeth, within the confines of the 104th Precinct, just before 4 a.m. when he…
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Man sought for assaulting teenager and stealing his phone in Flushing: NYPD

Mar. 30, 2023 By Julia Moro Police are searching for the man who shoved a teenager to the ground and snatched his cellphone in Flushing earlier this month. Authorities say that a 19-year-old man was walking near 135-32 Roosevelt Ave. at approximately 5:30 p.m. on Monday, March 13, within the confines of the 109th Precinct,…
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Police searching for crook who punched 71-year-old man in the neck in Flushing

Mar. 29, 2023 By Julia Moro The NYPD is searching for the crook who assaulted a 71-year-old man in Flushing last weekend. Police say the elderly man was walking in front of 142-18 38th Ave., within the confines of the 109th Precinct, at approximately 4:30 p.m., when he was approached by the crook, who punched…
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