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Council Member Moya distributes toys at Corona school to mark the celebration of Three Kings Day

Children from PS 110 with Council Member Francisco Moya and members of Local 45 during the 2024 Three Kings Day toy distribution (Photo provided by the office of CM Moya)

Jan. 5 2024 By Czarinna Andres

Students at P.S.110Q-The Tiffany School in Corona were greeted with smiles and excitement during Council Member Francisco Moya’s Three Kings Day toy distribution event.

Moya, in collaboration with the Carpenter Contractor Alliance of Metropolitan New York (Local 45), distributed over 100 toys to children on the morning of Thursday, Jan. 4. The toys were part of the celebration of Three Kings Day, a Christian holiday that marks the day the three wise men first saw baby Jesus and brought him gifts.

Expressing his gratitude for the unwavering support from the Carpenter Contractor Alliance, Moya highlighted the significance of the event, saying, “I’m grateful for my brothers and sisters in labor at the Carpenter Contractor Alliance of Metropolitan New York for their unending support to the families in my district. Thanks to their dedication, we were able to bring some joy, with the magic of Three Kings Day, to more than 100 students across District 21.”

The union represents 20,000 carpenters and construction workers in the greater New York area.

Joseph Geiger, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the NYC District Council of Carpenters, shared his perspective on the event, stating, “Throughout the year and especially during the holidays, NYC union Carpenters and contractors love to give back to our communities. What better way to conclude the Christmas festivities and spread cheer than to provide gifts to children alongside CM Francisco Moya for his cherished Three Kings Day celebration?”

Moya expressed his thanks to P.S.110Q Principal Gomez, Assistant Principal Passantino and the entire school staff for allowing them to share this time with the students.

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