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Hevesi wraps up successful community street clean-up series

Nov. 10, 2023 By Anthony Medina

In an effort to combat littering and an influx of trash on Queens streets, Assemblymember Andrew Hevesi — who represnts the neighborhoods of Forest Hills, Middle Village, Rego Park, Kew Gardens, Richmond Hill and Glendale — completed a series of community clean-up initiatives to beautify neighborhoods across his district on Sunday, Nov. 5.

In the face of some troubling weather conditions and unprecedented rainfall over the past month, elected officials, civic groups and volunteers all joined the Hevesi in his efforts to rid the streets of litter and trash.

“Despite facing some challenges, we saw great turnout from the community – with many people coming out in less than ideal conditions to maintain our neighborhoods,” said Hevesi.

The community clean-up series visited busy neighborhoods in Glendale, Kew Gardens, Forest Hills, and Ridgewood leading up to the final effort this month.

Glendale Community Cleanup volunteers. Photo courtesy the office of Assemblyman Andrew Hevesi

Clean Streets for Glendale. Photo courtesy the office of Assemblyman Andrew Hevesi

Hevesi made sure to thank those who partnered with his office to continue the clean-up series, including U.S. Rep. Grace Meng, state Sen. Joseph P. Addabbo Jr., Council Member Lynn Schulman, District Leader Mark Morrill, Community Board 6, Community Board 9, We Are Kew Gardens and Metro Village of Forest Hills.

Addabbo also recognized Hevesi for his efforts to continue a series of street clean-ups for his district — with his office also having participated in the Woodhaven Business Improvement District Street clean up on Jamaica Avenue.

“I applaud Assembly Member Hevesi and his staff who have been instrumental in making this community cleanup series a success. I commend the volunteers, especially the students, for their hard work and commitment to keeping our neighborhoods clean and beautiful,” said Addabbo. “Together, we are making a positive impact and creating a better environment for everyone in the community.”

In line with years past, 2023 saw dozens of volunteers turn out, with participating students receiving community service hours and letters of commendation. Hevesi said he hopes to continue this series and looks forward to continuing working with community members for future events.

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