Illegal club in Jackson Heights (NYC Sheriff’s Office)
Feb. 1, 2021 By Christina Santucci
The City Sheriff raided an illegal club packed with partygoers on Roosevelt Avenue this weekend — the second one broken up on the avenue in two weeks.
More than 225 people were found by deputies around 12:45 a.m. Sunday at 78-14 Roosevelt Ave. in Jackson Heights, in violation of the state’s restrictions on gatherings due to COVID-19, officials said.
Law enforcement said the club did not have a liquor license, and the Sheriff’s office tweeted that its deputies found health code violations at the two-story commercial building.
Three people were charged with multiple offenses. Information about these arrests was not immediately available.
Photos released by the Sheriff showed dozens of people packed on what appears to be a dance floor and others seated around tables. Only one person wearing a face mask was discernible in the images.
Last weekend, another illegal club, at 65-25 Roosevelt Ave. in Woodside, was shut down after authorities who raided the makeshift basement bar discovered more than 75 people crammed into the space.
01/31/21 @ 0045 HRS: Deputy Sheriffs shut down illegal bottle club @ 78-14 Roosevelt Ave, Queens NY, 225+ people, violation of emergency orders, no liquor license, warehousing liquor, health code violations, 3 charged with multiple offenses. pic.twitter.com/ttKPnRXl1k
— NYC SHERIFF (@NYCSHERIFF) January 31, 2021